Blogarama - Visual Design Blogs

Sunday 24 July 2016

Lego Helicarrier (Kit 76042) Sub Assembly 03 Build Video

Hey folks hope everyone is having a good weekend, here is the third sub assembly of the Helicarrier, enjoy.

Rendered on

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Atomic Chicken

Hey folks,

Thought you might enjoy this, was playing around with the Quick Explode features in Blender a while back and the results were pretty lame. After some research I have been doing some experimenting with the Remesh modifier and the Cell Fracture addon. There is actually no real explosion, relying on the contact sensitivity within the physics engine has some satisfying results:


Saturday 16 July 2016

Lego Helicarrier (Kit 76042) Sub Assembly 02 Build Video

Hey folks here is the second sub assembly of the Lego Helicarrier kit 76042.

460 parts now. Modeled in Mecabricks, built and rendered in Blender 2.77a.

Rendered on Sheepit-Renderfarm. Enjoy!

Sub Assembly 2 of the Lego Helicarrier 76042 coming tonight!

Well the weekend is here and finishing off the second Sub assembly of the Lego Helicarrier. It is more of a daunting task than it seems to do it completely digital. Here are some stats about the video coming today:

Modeled in Mecabricks 460 parts +Mecabricks
Built and animated in Blender 2.77a
733,692 vertices, 924,684 faces

12600 Frames in 720P

Rendered in the Sheepit Render Farm @SheepItRF +SheepIt RenderFarm

CPU Render time 10,917 hours total
Real duration thanks to the cloud 131.46 hours

Will have it up tonight for your enjoyment. In this one I learned a lot about moving the camera trying to smooth things out for the video. Started out with complex path constraints and NURBS pathing and ended up with a much simpler solution after randomly seeing some kids playing tetherball on a playground while driving here in Nairobi.

Let me know what you think when you see it.


Wednesday 6 July 2016

Lego Helicarrier (Kit 76042) Sub Assembly 01 Build Video

Hi again everyone, I have posted the video of the first sub-assembly of the Lego Helicarrier 76042 Kit. The idea is to show each of the sub-assemblies being built followed up when it is complete by what is hopefully a very cool short film.

The meshes and frameworks are built in Mecabricks, LDD, and Ldraw. While the final modeling, materials, and textures along with the animation are done entirely in Blender 2.77.

Below are a couple shots in the process: